How do you display Target Boat Speed when you are going upwind, and on the same instrument Polar Boat Speed when you are reaching (say >60deg TWA). My problem is that if I show Polar Boat Speed as the target, then as soon as I am 5deg off TWA, the Polar Boat Speed climbs and gives a false sense of security.
Is there a way of having this Target BSP be sensitive to this situation. (Same applies tacking downwind - I want the TWA and BSP to be optimum rather than 'dance' around as the TWA varies)
Campbell - many thanks. That is very clever. I did not know you could nest Alternating Channels!
As you know, from the top we have 2 Garmin 120s, two B&G 20/20 and one B&G graphic display. I will try:
BSP + Alt 1 Upwind TGT BSP & Reaching Pol BSP & Downwind Pol BSP
TWA + TWA TGT & diffHeel TGT
This is possible depending on your instruments.
If your system can receive channels from Expedition, then set up Alternating channels in Settings and send these to a Remote/External/User channel in your Instrument connections.
You have options for different sailing modes to show different Exp channels.
Here is an example I use a lot, by sending Alt0. Note the nesting of Alternating channels.
In this case if you send Alt0 to a display, it will show:
Reaching will send Polar Speed%
Downwind will send Alt1 (toggle between Target Speed and Target Angle)
Pre-start will send Time to Gun if Start Timer is running (to 00:00)
MOB will send Alt2 when MOB triggered (toggle between Range and Bearing to the active mark (MOB))
A 3 second toggling time for Timer 1 and Timer 2 (Alternating period (s)) is default but works well, and you may want to play with the TWA threshold for Target to Reaching angles.