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Field Yachting provides webinars covering a range of subjects including Expedition Navigation Software,  SailingPerformance and Model Accuracy.


All scheduled webinars are listed below, please click on the images below for more information about each session.







"However much you use Expedition, Campbell's online courses takes one's knowledge of the program's capabilities to a new level."


"Having Campbell on board online is like having a Triple A Navigator / Technician available and still sailing double handed"


"As this was a training project and not a simple demonstration of the software, we immediately booked a second session with Campbell which we combined with the notes, links and recordings provided to help us become proficient in the use of the programme. While Expedition is a sophisticate navigation system, Campbell has helped other Irish Sailors with instrument selection and configuration thus avoiding potentially costly mistakes.
If you are serious about navigation - probably the most important aspect of sailing – it is always worth getting the best possible professional advice. We are glad we did."


“Campbell provides a valuable service in making assessable to the average sailor the benefits of Expedition, which otherwise might prove daunting. In addition his Fastnet preparation webinar series is highly recommended as a thought provoking primer.”


"A great combination of patience and deep knowledge, Campbells questions and insights accelerated my skill build"

© 2024 by Field Yachting Ltd. 

Field Yachting Ltd

Registered office – 7 Lynwood Court, Priestlands Place, Lymington, SO41 9GA

Registered in the United Kingdom: Company number – 05030041 | VAT Registration number: GB834153639

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